Point2Tree - a framework for semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and hyperparameter optimization
This repo includes the scripts to replicate the methods described in Wielgosz et al. 2023 to perform a semantic and instance segmentation of trees in terrestrial laser scanning data (TLS/MLS).
The installation involves conda.
The steps to take on Ubuntu 20.04 machine on a linux machine or in a docker:
If you go for the docker you can use files which are in./docker
. Install it first and then follow the steps which are given below.
mkdir conda_installation
cd conda_installation
curl -LO "http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-${CONDA_VER}-Linux-${OS_TYPE}.sh"
sudo bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -p /miniconda -b
sudo groupadd anaconda_admin
sudo chown -R :anaconda_admin /miniconda
sudo chmod -R 775 /miniconda
sudo adduser nibio anaconda_admin
reboot of the docker may be need at this point
/miniconda/bin/conda update conda
/miniconda/bin/conda init
You should reboot shell session at this point.
conda create --name pdal-env python=3.8.13
conda activate pdal-env
conda install -c conda-forge pdal python-pdal
You should reboot shell session at this point. Next, you should clone the repo with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/SmartForest-no/Point2tree.git
You have to install requirements for the repo.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once you clone the repo you should export the path (you should be in FSCT folder).
For linux (Ubuntu): export PYTHONPATH='.'
and make sure that activate the conda conda activate pdal-env
For Windows you can check: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3701646/how-to-add-to-the-pythonpath-in-windows-so-it-finds-my-modules-packages
It may take very long time depending on your machine and the number of files and if you change the parameter if points density (by default its 150) to some lower number. The lower the number the bigger pointclounds are to be precessed and more time it may take. Keep in mind that at some point (for too low of the number) the pipeline may break.
The default model which is available in the repo in fsct\model\model.path
was trained on the nibio data with 1 cm sampling (0.01m) the val accuracy was approx. 0.92.
The pipeline is composed of serveral steps and input parametes in /run_bash_scripts/sem_seg_sean.sh and /run_bash_scripts/tls.h
which can be set before the run.
The subset of the default parameters are as follows:
CLEAR_INPUT_FOLDER=1 # 1: clear input folder, 0: not clear input folder
CONDA_ENV="pdal-env-1" # conda environment for running the pipeline
# Tiling parameters
1 - ground
2 - vegetation
3 - cwd
4 - trunk
Semantic segmentation should be run before the instance segmentation since the latter one requires results from the semantic segmentation.
To run semantic segmentation follow:
bash run_bash_scripts/sem_seg_sean.sh -d folder_name
Make sure that you put the data in *.las
or *.laz
format to this folder.
This is a basic run of the command. There are more parameters to be set. Take a look into run_bash_scripts/sem_seg_sean.sh
to check them.
To run instance segmentation follow:
bash run_bash_scripts/tls.sh -d folder_name
This is a basic run of the command. There are more parameters to be set. Take a look into run_bash_scripts/tls.sh
to check them.
- reduction of the point clound size to the point where it has density of 150 points / square meter
- mapping to
format, all the reducted*.las
files are mapped and the orignal files are removed (the converted to*ply
are kept) - semantic segmentation,
- instance segmentation,
- consolidation of the results (each instance is seperate so they have to be consolidated into a single cloud point),
- postprocessing which puts everthing to a single folder in
Folder input_folder/results
contain three subfolders:
Input point clouds should be in a local reference system and not in UTM (in which case the code breaks)
If you use our code please cite : https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/15/15/3737
For the orignal repo, please take a look there: