
Simple API Access integration that allows scenes to be executed

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple API Access App Example


This simple NodeJS Express app illustrates how to create an API Access SmartApp that connects to your SmartThings account with OAuth2 and allows you to execute manually run routines (which are called "scenes" in the API). It's a very simple app that stores the access and refresh tokens in session state. It uses the express-session in-memory session store, so you will lose your session data when you restart the server, but you can use another compatible session store to make the session persist between server restarts. This example uses the @SmartThings/SmartApp SDK NPM module for making the API calls to list and execute scenes.

Files and directories

  • public
    • stylesheets -- stylesheets used by the web pages
  • views
    • error.ejs -- error page
    • index.ejs -- initial page with link to connect to SmartThings
    • scenes.ejs -- page that displays scenes and allows them to be executed
  • server.js -- the Express server and SmartApp
  • .env -- file you create with app client ID and client secret

Getting Started



1. Clone this GitHub repository, cd into the directory, and install the Node modules with NPM:

git clone https://github.com/SmartThingsCommunity/api-app-minimal-example-js.git
cd api-app-minimal-example-js
npm install

2. Register your app with SmartThings using the CLI

Start with the smartthings apps:create command to create a new app. You will be prompted for the required information. The following is an example of the output from the command:

~ % smartthings apps:create
? What kind of app do you want to create? (Currently, only OAuth-In apps are supported.) OAuth-In App

More information on writing SmartApps can be found at

? Display Name My API App
? Description Allows scenes to be executed
? Icon Image URL (optional) 
? Target URL (optional) 

More information on OAuth 2 Scopes can be found at:

To determine which scopes you need for the application, see documentation for the individual endpoints you will use in your app:

? Select Scopes. r:locations:*, r:scenes:*, x:scenes:*
? Add or edit Redirect URIs. Add Redirect URI.
? Redirect URI (? for help) http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback
? Add or edit Redirect URIs. Finish editing Redirect URIs.
? Choose an action. Finish and create OAuth-In SmartApp.
Basic App Data:
 Display Name     My API App                                     
 App Id           037bcd6c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx           
 App Name         amyapiapp-a8b20801-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 
 Description      Allows scenes to be executed                   
 Single Instance  true                                           
 Classifications  CONNECTED_SERVICE                              
 App Type         API_ONLY                                       

OAuth Info (you will not be able to see the OAuth info again so please save it now!):
 OAuth Client Id      689f9823-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 
 OAuth Client Secret  3a2c39d8-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 

3. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project

Add the PORT, SERVER_URL, APP_ID, CLIENT_ID, and CLIENT_SECRET properties from the output of the smartthings apps:create command. For example:


4. Start your server:

node server.js

5. Connect your app to SmartThings

Go to http://localhost:3000, log in with your SmartThings account credentials, and choose a location. You should see a page with the location name as a header and button for each scene in that location. Clicking the button should execute the scene. If you don't see any buttons you may need to create some scenes using the SmartThings mobile app.