ππ π Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders with track and thumb dimensions, and gradient colors, borders, labels on top or at the bottom move with thumb and ColorfulIconSlider that can display emoji or any Composable as thumb
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Animation when progress updated
#6 opened by KevinnZou - 0
Range slider
#32 opened by klightshadow - 1
δΈ LazyColumnε΅ε₯ε²ηͺ
#30 opened by loveRose - 1
Please add a circular slider
#29 opened by marcardar - 0
Track and thumb shape
#27 opened by louie-wh - 0
Issues with "stepped" slider
#26 opened by GiorgioKozmani - 2
After initialisation of SliderWithLabel the label is aligned to the start and not centered to thumb
#17 opened by SashaProkip - 2
How to add thumb shadow for ColorfulSlider?
#23 opened by maverick-2013 - 1
- 1
compose-ios compatibility
#22 opened by ForceANature110 - 0
#21 opened by zhenghaoLi - 7
Crash occurred after updating compose 1.4.0-alpha04 and material3 1.1.0-alpha-alpha04 libraries
#12 opened by mcnarek - 1
- 0
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After Tap , not call onValueChangeFinished
#16 opened by NemoChenAdv - 0
dependency version
#10 opened by choristery - 1
Steps not working
#2 opened by aramsheroyan - 1
Size is too big
#7 opened by arguswaikhom - 1
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License question
#4 opened by IzzySoft - 5
Delay on touch event
#3 opened by makam92 - 1
SliderWithLabel wrong initial label position
#1 opened by maciek-s