
:soccer: Android Things App for hosting foosball games on a raspberry pi and saving the results in a blockchain

Primary LanguageKotlin



The KickPi is a Android Things application which acts as a server for the mobile clients and handles the matchmaking, the authorization with the kickway and the game storage.


The foosball table is connected to a raspberry which communicates with two photocells to react in case of a new goal. The mobile devices are used to create a new game, join an existing one, display the top ten players or the statistics of a specific player. The pairing between the players mobile devices and the raspberry is implemented using the Google Nearby API. The Raspberry authorizes all players who try to join a lobby and persist the games.


You need a deployment device with android things as operating system since no Android Things emulator does yet exist. 😔 Discover the hardware platforms supported by Android Things.

The application also needs a secret.properties file in the root directory with the following key-values pairs.


Note: The kickchain currently supports only games which ended up with one team has scored ten goals. The I/O ports for the left and right goal can be seen in the next section.



🔗 Kickchain ↔️ Kickway 📱 Android App 📚 Android Things Documentation