
Phalyfusion plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

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IntelliJ IDEA / PhpStorm Phalyfusion Plugin

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Provides convenient IDE integrated interactive analysis report of Phalyfusion tool.
Phalyfusion is a tool for convenient and effective usage of multiple PHP static code analysers such as:

  • PHPStan
  • Psalm
  • Phan
  • PHP-CS-Fixer (with --dry-run option)

Page at JetBrains marketplace: Phalyfusion Plugin

Supported products

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2021.1.1 — 2021.1.2
PhpStorm 2021.1.1 — 2021.1.2

Installation and usage

  • Install and configure Phalyfusion and desired code analysers
  • Install the plugin by going to Preferences | Plugins and searching "Phalyfusion"
  • Plugin will find the path to Phalyfusion executable automatically on first run. You can provide path to Phalyfusion executable by yourself if needed. See "Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Quality Tools | Phalyfusion"
  • Enable inspections "Phalyfusion global validation" and "Phalyfusion on-fly validation" in "Preferences | Editor | Inspections | PHP | Quality tools" to be able to launch Phalyfusion via plugin.
  • Use toolbar button or "Run | Run Phalyfusion" option to configure an analysis scope and launch Phalyfusion Run Phalyfusion button
  • Enable "Launch Phalyfusion in on-fly mode" setting in "Preferences | Language & Frameworks | PHP | Quality Tools | Phalyfusion | Configuration" for instant analysis of the current file and error highlighting


  • Phalyfusion auto detection in current project

  • Combine reports of multiple PHP static code analysers

  • Provide file-by-file structured interactive analysis report

  • Navigation between errors found by Phalyfusion

  • Perform instant analysis of current file

  • Show found errors by highlighting them in the code and provide descriptions in tooltips

  • Auto generate Phalyfusion neon configuration on the first run with all detected in the current project code analysers.

    Note: You need to set up all configuration files for code analysers by yourself.


Code editor highlighting Inspection result Specify analysis scope Plugin configuration Inspection result 2