
If you want to run the server, do it with the following command after cloning or downloading this repository.

docker-compose up

The host port 4001 is mapped to the container's 4000 so if you want to access the website from another device in the same network, use the following address


Setup with VSCode

More information can be found here.


The docker container built is from the default ubuntu image. It creates a user named nonroot that runs the server within the container itself, with the commands in the docker-compose.yaml file.



export FLASK_APP =

will export the name of the main flask site rendering python file o the environment variable FLASK_APP which will enable you to run a server with

flask run

Rendering Webpages.

  • You have to import from the flask module render_template.
  • The initialisation of the app should have the location of where the html templates are in,. (Flask defaults to looking for a folder named templates in your root directory if this is not mentioned)
      app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='WebSite')
  • Standard jinja codes can be written to aid the HTML creation process.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can be used to create the css/javascript styles for the HTML as well. There is a bootstrap library for flask that helps with this. It is not used here.
  • To Include your own css, import url_for from flask. Then add the following line to your HTML base document.
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{url_for('static', filename='index.css')}}">  
    • Note that this seems to work only if the .css files are present in the folder static/*css. This does not seem to work for nested directories. Needs to be investigated.


Instead of making the form directly in the HTML document, Flask can aid with the creation of it with the help of the flask_wtf package. Create a file and add the information of the form that you want to create in it. Each form is a class, having various attributes. Look at the here for more information about it.

Form authentication.

In the main, add a secret key for the app with

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='WebSite')

Generation of a secret key

It can be done with the following python script

import secrets
print(secrets.token_hex(16)) #16 byte length

Form rendering

Import the created class into, as done in the file in the repository. The next step is to add this class to the HTML form. Pass an instance of the created form class to whichever HTML doc has to render the form, in its app route.

In the HTML tag, you can access the form fields by.
