Archie is collection of quick-installation scripts for ArchLinux
For now it only does basic setup (aka ArchWiki Installation Guide) with GRUB and no users
It's pretty simple, just do these commands:
pacman -Sy git
git clone
cd archie
Haven't check yet, if scripts need to be given executable flag after cloning
- User setup script ** Probably gonna try to implement it as curses menu or smthng) ** Would be nice if we forced/offered to setup root password (so we don't forget about the need to set it)
- User environment setup script (dotfiles) ** Probably would want to make another repo with updated dotfiles of mine and set them as some default or just force them
- Log the setup process ** Debugging small stuff when the setup is so fast is difficult, best to implement logs for everything in case anything goes wrong ** Also should probably do lots of output redirection to logs, as to keep the terminal clean (only show out messages/errors)
- Bootstrap script with short URL ** 'cuz I'm lazy