- agolovanovWeizmann Institute of Science
- ahelmAtos
- arsampath
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- beck-llr
- bruhwiler@radiasoft
- cenit
- dozzesArmenia, Yerevan
- edhumieres
- holgado1
- jderouillat
- korzhimanovInstitute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- kyhe2017
- lesnatUniversité de Bordeaux
- Lingen1218
- lucafedeli88CEA
- mchandranOhm Devices, Inc.
- Mipanox
- mkuchnikBoston, MA
- namurphyCenter for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
- nicolasaunaiCNRS / Laboratory of Plasma Physics
- pkesteneCEA
- prlWanted
- rationalthug
- ReidAtchesonNumerical Algorithms Group
- RemiLeheBerkeley Lab
- RKalampattelAdelaide, Australia
- sandshrew118
- shyams2University of Pennsylvania
- simpla-fusionASIPP
- slvrbld
- StanczakDominikInstitute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
- tsung1029UCLA
- valenpe7ELI Beamlines
- wentaostrath