
a CSV exporter for django querysets

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


a CSV exporter for django querysets.

This tool was created out of repeatedly needing to do the following in django:

  1. write CSV data that is based on simple querysets.
  2. automatically encode unicode characters to utf-8
  3. create a shortcut to render a queryset to a CSV HTTP response
  4. add a time/datestamping mechanism to CSV filenames


Perform all filtering and field authorization in your view using .filter() and .values(). Then, use render_to_csv_response to turn a queryset into a respone with a CSV attachment. Pass it a QuerySet or ValuesQuerySet instance.

from djqscsv import render_to_csv_response

def csv_view(request):
  qs = Foo.objects.filter(bar=True).values('id', 'bar')
  return render_to_csv_response(qs)

foreign keys

Foreign keys are supported natively using ValuesQuerySet in Django. Simply use the __ technique as you would in the Django ORM when you pass args to the .values() method.

in models.py:

from django.db import models

class Food(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    favorite_food = models.ForeignKey(Food)

in views.py:

from djqscsv import render_to_csv_response

def csv_view(request):
    people = Person.objects.values('name', 'favorite_food__name')
    return render_to_csv_response(people)


django-queryset-csv will be ready for stable release when the following are complete:

  1. unit test coverage reaches 100%
  2. test coverage is tracked by a CI server
  3. custom column headers are supported (currently column headers are always field names)
  4. the package is uploaded to pypi.