
Django template tag to load static files inline with your template.

Primary LanguagePython

https://travis-ci.org/bartTC/django-staticinline.svg?branch=master https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Coverage/8e64345e99ea49888dc1bd9303c89a35 https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/8e64345e99ea49888dc1bd9303c89a35


Similiar to Django's native static templatetag, but this includes the file directly in the template, rather than a link to it.


{% load staticinline %}

<style type="text/css">{% staticinline "myfile.css" %}</style>
<script>{% staticinline "myfile.js" %}</script>


<style type="text/css">body{ color: red; }</style>
<script>alert("Hello World");</script>

If the file does not exist, and DEBUG is False, an empty string is returned and a error logfile is set. In case DEBUG is True, a ValueError is raised.


This Django app is compatible with Django 1.8 → 2.0, Python 2.7 all versions of Python 3.x.

Install the app with pip and add staticinline.apps.StaticInlineAppConfig to your installed apps in your settings.py:

pip install django-staticinline

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