
This repository contains a command-line tool for Maplelegends.

It is used to calculate the best scrolling sequence to lower the gear making cost.

How to use

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Make sure python is installed

  3. Run pip install termcolor, that's the only lib required for now.

  4. You're all set. Run python and interact with the tool using command line.

Use hints:

The owlrepo data is auto-download when you first time runs

If you found owlrepo data too old, you can either delete the owl_*.json file and re-run, or use the home page command to update.

And the program will use Scrolls.json first, if no required data then update scrolls from owl_*.json to Scrolls.json

If you want to use a scroll's data from owlrepo instead of local Scroll.json data, delete it in Scroll.json or use command to remove it.


  • manage scrolls data
  • manage gears data
  • update scrolls data from owlrepo
  • generate output besed on a given scrolling sequence and gear
  • save/load scrolling sequences to/from file (achieved by QuickCommand)
  • generate the best order for given sequence
  • generate the best ordered sequence for given expected 10%/30% success number and 60%/70% success number