
Technologies used to build this project:

  • Next.js - as a base framework to build the app.
  • NextUI - as a components library to make the development process fast.
  • Zustand - as state manager, because it is lighter and has less boilerplate code than redux and because I wanted to try it 😁.
  • React Testing Library - to write Unit tests.
  • Cypress - to write E2E tests.
  • Prettier - For code formatting.
  • Typescript - To have types in JS.

Getting Started

First, install all dependencies:

npm install
# or

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

To run E2E tests

npm run cypress 
# or 
yarn cypress

To run Unit tests

npm run test 
# or 
yarn test