Palm Recognition Biometric System:

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This repository contains the implementation of a Contactless Palm Recognition Biometric System. The system utilizes state-of-the-art palm recognition technology to provide secure and convenient biometric authentication. It offers a contactless and user-friendly approach for various applications.

Table of Contents

Project Description

The Palm Recognition Biometric System is designed to identify and authenticate individuals based on their unique palmprint patterns. It offers a secure and convenient way to access various services and systems without the need for physical contact.


  • Contactless Palmprint Capture: Utilize a camera to capture palmprint images without physical contact.
  • Real-time Recognition: Achieve real-time palmprint recognition for seamless and efficient authentication.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provide an intuitive user interface for easy enrollment and authentication.

Image Processing Techniques

The Palm Recognition Biometric System leverages advanced image processing techniques to achieve accurate and reliable palmprint recognition. These techniques play a crucial role in extracting relevant features from palmprint images and performing efficient matching.


  • Image Resizing: Resize captured palmprint images to a standardized resolution for consistent feature extraction.
  • Contrast Enhancement: Apply techniques like Histogram Equalization and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) to improve image contrast and enhance palmprint details.

Feature Extraction

  • Region of Interest (ROI) Detection: Locate and extract the palm region from the captured image using techniques like Object Detection to find the palm first and crop the palm.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the application: python

Technology Stack

  • Python: Programming language used for development.
  • OpenCV: Library for computer vision and image processing.
  • Deep Learning: Leveraged for palmprint feature extraction and recognition.
  • GUI Library: Pyqt5 to create an interactive user interface.