"Drinkology" was created to allow end users to look up cocktail recipes, and master the art of mixology in the comfort of their own home. Members are able to sign in and save recipes to their account as well as leave reviews and see reviews generated by other users.
AS A beverage consumer.
I WANT to be able to look up cocktail recipes to make while stuck at home during this pandemic.
I WANT to have the option to save the recipes and comment on the blog.
SO THAT I can have a place to get inspired, store my drink recipes and leave reviews for other members to view.
- Node.js - an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
- Express.js - a web application framework for Node.js. It is designed for building web applications and APIs
- Handlebars.js - a simple templating language that uses a template and an input object to generate HTML or other text formats.
- Bootstrap - Extensive list of components and Bundled Javascript plugins.
https://drinkology.herokuapp.com/ -- Deployed https://github.com/Mayorgak/drinkology -- Original Commit History
npm install
Kristen Mayorga Stephon Smith Leo Ayala
MIT © 2020