
This project is intended to be a demonstration of a progressive web application. It utilizes a service worker to register data caches in the browser to not only store files vital to the function of this app but also a snapshot of data so the user will be able to maintain an accurate budget when they're in low or no signal areas. Users will be to install this application on their desktop or on their mobile device from the browser.

User Story

AS AN avid traveler
I WANT to be able to track my withdrawals and deposits with or without a data/internet connection
SO THAT my account balance is accurate when I am traveling 

Table of Contents


You can visit the deployed web application which is in it's development phase or by cloning the repository, installing the node packages using the npm i in your command line, and then running npm start to start your connection.


License: MIT


Javascript Badge Node Badge HTML Badge CSS Badge


Express Badge Mongoose Badge Morgan Badge Compression Badge Path Badge


Create a pull request on the repository.


All questions can be directed to my email or github.