
Built-with: Ruby on Rails

Set-Up instructions

  • Setup Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails on your computer
  • Clone this repository by running git clone https://github.com/SmithVyne/Micro-reddit.git and cd into the directory
  • Run bundle install to install the necessary ruby gems
  • Run rails console to start-up the rails console environment where you can interact with the application

We created a micro-Reddit application where users can:

  1. Create a user account
  2. Create posts
  3. Comment on different posts. Both of the same user or a different user.

We designed how to structure our model relationships and associations We generated a new rails app from the command line. We generated models and filled-out migrations We ran the migrations to create tables We added validations to the models We created users and tested these validations in the rails console We created our associations and added comments


👤 Smith Nkereuwem

👤 Paul Omondi

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