
A game of Yahtzee that runs on the command line

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Coverage statements Coverage branches Coverage functions Coverage lines

 __   __    _     _                _ 
 \ \ / /_ _| |__ | |_ _______  ___| |
  \ V / _` | '_ \| __|_  / _ \/ _ \ |
   | | (_| | | | | |_ / /  __/  __/_|
   |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__/___\___|\___(_)

A game of Yahtzee that runs in the command line. The object of the game is to score as high as possible by rolling five dice to get different combinations over 13 turns (see full rules linked at bottom of README).

Instructions to run

Run npm i then npm start

Run tests

  • Unit tests: npm test
  • End to end tests: npm run e2e

To Do

  • Joker rules should have a second fallback of scoring a 0 in any upper section box if all the lower section boxes are filled
  • Main menu
  • 2+ players
  • Game stats
    • High score
    • Low score
    • Average score
    • Most yahtzees in a single game
    • Total games played
  • Confirm before clearing game stats
  • User profile to save player's name and player's play history over sessions
  • Print scoresheet to file
  • Settings
    • Change dice design between pips and digits
    • Unlock further dice designs
  • Achievements
    • Get the lowest possible score (5)
    • Get a yahtzee
    • Get two yahtzees in a single game
    • Get three yahtzees in a single game
    • Get the upper section bonus
    • Get four of each number in the upper section
    • Get a final score over 200
    • Get a final score over 300
    • Get a final score over 400
    • Play an entire game without rerolling
  • 100% unit test coverage
  • E2E tests using MockPrompter
    • Full game - single player
    • Full game - multiplayer
    • Main menu
  • Fix turn stats being incremented before showing the scoresheet at end of turn

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