#COP3330 - Assignment 4 Parrish

Main View

  • Edit Item --> Opens the add/edit view where you can edit an item to the list.
  • Delete Item --> Deletes currently selected list in ListView.
  • Add Item --> Opens the add/edit View where you can add an item to the list.
  • Clear List --> Clears entire list.
  • Save List --> Exports all items according to File Location.
  • Import List --> Imports all items according to File Location.
  • File Location --> Location in which you designate where you import/export with a path.
  • Filter All --> Shows all items in the current list.
  • Filter Complete --> Shows only complete items in current list (Filter list).
  • Filter Incomplete --> Shows only incomplete items in current list (Filter list).
  • Filter Confirm --> Changes the view based on the filter being all/complete/incomplete.

Add/Edit View

  • Unique Name TextField --> Where you edit/add the name of an item.
  • Description TextField --> Where you edit/add the description of an item.
  • Due Date TextField --> Where you edit/add the due date of an item (Note this is restricted to format yyyy-mm-dd)
  • Status Choicebox --> Where you edit/change the status of an item.
  • Submit --> Where you submit the Item given the above fields.
  • Close --> Closes the Add/Edit View and brings us back to the Main View.