
A .Net Wrapper for The OpenCage Geocoder

Primary LanguageC#

OpenCage Data Geocoding Library for .Net 4.5

A .NET 4.5 library that uses OpenCage Geocoder geocoder.

Dependencies and Requirements

  • .NET 4.5
  • ServiceStack ver 3.9.71 (last version of non-commercial library)

Usage (Geocoding)

Reference the library using Nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCageGeocoder/

Create an instance of the geocoder library, passing a valid OpenCage Data Geocoder API key as a parameter to the geocoder library's constructor:

var gc = new Geocoder("YOUR_KEY");

Pass a string containing the query or address to be geocoded to the library's Geocode method:

var result = gc.Geocode("82 Clerkenwell Road, London");

You will get a strongly typed GeocoderResponse object returned.

There are optional paramaters for language, country, and bounds see http://geocoder.opencagedata.com/api.html for explanations

Putting all of this together as a console app, a complete sample would look like this:

var gc = new Geocoder("YOUR_KEY");
var result = gc.Geocode("82 Clerkenwell Road, London");

result.PrintDump(); // ServiceStack human readable object dump to console

Usage (Reverse Geocoding)

Reverse geocoding is almost identical but you pass in a latitude and longitude pair:

var gc = new Geocoder("YOUR_KEY");
var reserveresult = gc.ReverseGeocode(51.4277844, -0.3336517);
reserveresult.PrintDump(); // ServiceStack human readable object dump to console

There is an optional paramaters for language see http://geocoder.opencagedata.com/api.html for explanations