
(NYCDA) Friendly app for finding your match

Primary LanguageRuby



Meeting other people who share similar interests in life. Make freinds, and relationships.

We are connected to technology more then ever but along the way we have lost are connection with eachother. It is now technologies job to bring us backtogeather.

We ask questions other apps wont ask.


  • Mobile First
  • Facebook login

Who are we targeting age: 18-30

Meeting other people (freinds)

mobile first

Build a website based on tinder but instead we are asking quesitons through words and pictures

questions are represnted as cards, with different colors.

questions: Different colored cards colors repsented different catagoreis.

Two stages: First stage generic quesitons Second stage specific quesions (that a user.

answer quesionts by swipping left and right

Users log in via facebook or gmail

We would specify the groups. This way we can have pretty icons.

you can only answer so many questiosn each day. Maybe you can only unlock one persons profile after you have answered the quesions of the day.
