
This is now part of the sfml-audio package. An easy to use high level mixer for sfml-audio. Supports music and sounds.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Make noise with sfml-audio easily. This will eventually be merged into the sfml-audio package.

How to use Noize

Noize is split into two parts Sound and Music datatypes. These two parts are unified by a StateT Mixer m a type. The Mixer contains the Music playing and all channels of sound in a Map String Channel type. Stateful operations (those that modify a Channel in the mixer) return StateT Mixer IO (). This is because every Channel has stateful information associated with it.

Functions that modify the Music associated with the mixer do not return a modified Mixer because a Mixer can only have one Music channel loaded or playing at a time.

Please run cabal configure && cabal haddock to generate documentation.


import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)

import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad

import Sound.Mixer.Noize

setupMusic = do
    withMusic "/shpongle.ogg"
    addChannel "/shpongle-mono.ogg" "shpong2" 100.0
    startChannel "shpong2"
    channelPan "shpong2" (50.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    addChannel "/shpongle.wav" "shpongwav" 50.0
    startChannel "shpongwav"
    channelPan "shpongwav" ( -50.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    removeChannel "shpong2"

--build with
--ghc --make Example1.hs -i./../src
main = do
    let mix = initMixer
    mix' <- withMixer mix $ setupMusic

    print $ show mix' --Verify things were added/removed
    forever $ do (threadDelay 1000)