Ionic Advice

How to write an input for login with no spellcheck or autocorrect for Hybrid app

With native browser, you can use an

<input type="text" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false">

for disabled autocorrect of Android and IOS.

But for Cordova/PhoneGap + Angular or Ionic application, this doesn't work.

Instead, you can use an input type="email" with ng-model-options="{allowInvalid:true}" + a form with novalidate

<form novalidate>
  <input type="email" ng-model-options="{allowInvalid:true}">

Now you could use it for login with email and phone in the same input

SVG on Android device

Don't use SVG for Android device with version under 4.4. Use PNG instead.

Don't use SVG Animation on Android 4.1 or lower

Neither for keyframes css animation

input & scroll on ios

If you have multiple input with different type ( like email and number ), attention with the scroll feature. If the scroll is at false, sometimes the ios keyboard change for no reason : you click on email input and the email keyboard appears and flip to number keyboard.

Show image store in your application on IOS

With cordova, use toInternalURL for retrieve the path of your image. You will have a cdvfile://localhost/path/image URL. But Angular will block this type of URL, you will have to config you app because angular is putting unsafe: prefix before link..

var app = angular.module( 'myApp', [] ).config( ['$compileProvider',function( $compileProvider ){ 