
:closed_lock_with_key: A quick POC for lazy loading partial AngularJS app with webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AngularJS + Webpack + lazyload

Run it

npm start

Side note

This project is just a quick POC, not using a lot of ES6 syntax, and could be cleaned and completed.

But it works well.

How does it work

Basically, webpack starts from the entry point(s) defined in webpack.config.js and bundle everything required/imported in the same file.

But, every time it encounters a TC39 stage 3 import import() or a require.ensure(), it bundles all required/imported files from this import in another chunk. When you're application will need the code in that chunk, webpack will simply request your server and load that chunk.

Here, we will have three chunks. Two coming directly from our defined entry points:

  • app.js - our app code, including view1 module.
  • vendor.js - angular code.

And one coming from a split point:

  • 0.js - the whole view2 module and everything it needs.


  • In your index.html file, we only need to include the first two.

  • Since we are using the following common chunk plugin:

      new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
        name: 'vendor',
        minChunks: 2

    no matter how many time you import angular in your app, it will only be bundled once.

  • The application config, i.e. all the states coming from ui-router, are loaded with the main bundle, even for the lazily loaded modules. This is the easiest way to enable users to refresh a page currently displaying a lazily loaded URL, or to enter the URL directly.

How to

Minimize / Uglify code for prod

Use the webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin plugin, but be sure to:

Use source maps

  • With Firefox

      1. Make sure to have a version 50+ installed
      2. Go to the url `about:config`
      3. Set `devtools.sourcemap.locations.enabled` to `true`.
  • With Chrome

    It works with version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), and probably all 50+.

  • With Opera

    It works with version 45.0.2552.812, and probably all 40+.

  • With Safari

    Safari doesn't seems to like evaluated source maps. However, .js.map files are fine. Just be sure to work with source-map and not eval-source-maps.

Import files

  • Without webpack (old stuff):

    <script src="src/vendor/intl-tel-input/build/js/intlTelInput.js"></script>
    <script src="src/vendor/intl-tel-input/lib/libphonenumber/build/utils.js"></script>
    <script src="src/vendor/greensock-js/src/minified/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.min.js"></script>
    <!--...and hundred others-->
  • With webpack (now):

    <script src="dist/vendor.js"></script>
    <script src="dist/app.js"></script>
    <!--...and that's it-->
    // Now  we need to import files in .js only where we need it
    import angular  from 'angular';                     // Angular is imported here and not in the html
    import uiRouter from 'angular-ui-router';           // Same for needed other modules (from npm, bower one is legacy)
    import view1    from'./view1/view1';                // A needed static module
    // ... and then use it

Define split point (lazy load chunks)

  • Without webpack (old stuff): oops, not really.

  • With webpack (now):

    import('my/super/lazyloaded/thing').then((myThing) => {
      // use it

    Everything needed by the imported file will be loaded in a separate chunk, and loaded on demand only.

    For more, see app/view2 folder.

Make it scale

Webpack is power.

Using webpack means being able to work with the latest technologies, giving that a loader exists for it. It also means being able to build an ap as modular as possible.

Sass ? Use sass-loader. Pug ? Use pug-loader. ES7 ? Use another babel preset. Minimify ? Uglify ? Extract CSS ? Just use one of the available plugins, or write your own.

Known issues

  • Source maps are broken in several places: Chrome, Firefox, Babel... Fortunately, using the last versions of these tools with the basic source maps for prod (source-map, .js.map generated files) and for dev (eval-source-map, inline and evaluated) works.

  • Safari doesn't like evaluated source maps, for some reasons. Be sure to work with source-map and not eval-source-maps.