
Billing for QBCore

Primary LanguageLua


Company Billing script for QBCore

Features ok Bill can be created by every employee to fill the company account ok The bill is stored in the table with date, issuer, reason, amount ok The bill can be payed immediately by the customer or sent by mail for later payment ok If customer is Boss, he can choose to pay the bill with company account ok Open bills can be consulted by every employee to cancel one or send dunning ok Dunning can be sent with (once) or without additionnal costs ok Money is transferred from customer configured account to company account ok Statistics can be consulted by employee ok All statistics can be consulted by job boss ok Open bills can be consulted by police (job in config) to RP the missing payments Check if no bill is unpayed before creating a new one, else make the dunning
To save database size, delete is made for old payed invoices and crafting Ability to record every Player activity for the company (NPC jobs, Crafting)

Command /createbill to create a bill for the company ok Command /showbills to consult open bills ok Command /statbills to consult personal statistics for the month Command /statbills to consult statistics by employee for the month (boss) Command /unpayedbills to consult unpayed bills for a person (police only)

Accounting table sample : Id 1 Reference FINEIDX534202201141015 --Reference for quick access Type RP --Rp Invoice Issuer RADAR --Issuer (Automatic radar) Job police --Job account to pay Customer IDX534 --Payer (Person) Invoice Date 20220114 --Date Status 2 --Payment status (Dunned) Amount 1000 --Amount Reason Flash at 180km/h at location

Id 2 Reference MECAIDX534202201141018 Type RP Issuer ERF564 --Issuer (Person) Job mechanic Customer IDX534 Invoice Date 20220114 Status 0 --Payment status (Not Payed) Amount 10000 Reason Repair of car ESK-520

Id 2 Reference --No Reference needed Type NPC --NPC Entry Issuer IDX534 Job mechanic Customer NPC --Payer (NPC) Invoice Date 20220114 Status 1 --Payment status (Payed) Amount 200 Reason NPC Tow mission

Id 3 Reference MECAIDX53420220114 --Reference for the day Type CRA --Crafting Entry Issuer IDX534 Job mechanic Customer --No customer for crafting entry Invoice Date 20220114 Status 9 --Crafting Amount 18 --Total crafted today Reason Mechanic Kit --Item name