LMECA2170 - Fortune's algorithm

How to use

Simply execute the file Devillez_Poncelet_Fortunes and it will show our implementation of fortune algorithm with 20 points and a sweep animation. Some options are available. You can have the following list with Devillez_Poncelet_Fortunes -h:

-b, --benchmark [n]: output the time taken to apply the algorithm on the [n] points
-a, --animation [mode]: specify the level of animation
 * 0: No animation
 * 1: Manual mode
 * 2: Step mode
 * 3: Sweep mode
-h, --help: Print this help
-r, --resolution [n]: specify the max number of points [n] to draw the beachline
-p, --points [n]: specify the number of points [n] to use (default: 20)
-s, --save: specify to save the animation
-f, --fps [n]: specify the number of fps to save (default: 10)
-v, --version: Print the version number


Will apply the fortune algorithm on [n] points and return the time taken to initialise the structures and to apply the algorithm in microseconds.

If other flags are specified with -b, they will not be taken into account.

One can also use a small python CLI to perform a benchmark and display results:

python3 cli.py benchamrk --help

python3 benchmark run
python3 becnhmark plot


There are 4 mode of display:

  • No animation: it will directly output the voronoid
  • Manual: you can move the sweep line step by step or event by event
  • Step mode: the sweep line will move event by event
  • Sweep mode: the sweep line will move at constant speed


Shortcuts are design for a AZERTY keyboard but the are mapped to the physical key (so on a QWERTY press Q instead of A for example)


Two function of BOV were overwritten:

  • The shortcut function
  • The help function



V0 gif


V1 gif


V0 - It's done

  • Have a working Algo -> I think it's ok
  • Have a basic plot
  • Free everything correctly
  • Benchmark the V0
  • Should be able to select random input of n points
  • Take an gif of the working algorithm to see the evolution and add it to the git


  • Clean the code
    • Better use of functions
    • Better name for functions
    • Add comment to the code
  • Improve the speed
    • Improve the heap
    • Improve processSite
    • Improve processCircle
    • Improve circle creation
    • Benchmark after the upgrade
    • Tool to check function call and function duration (min, max, average, total) ?
    • Rebalance tree (maybe variable with depth ?) and benchmark -> Would be very nice to do :3 -> partially done
  • Add a verbose environnement
    • Add general option for verbose
    • Add relevant print
  • Check if memory is clean (valgrind)
  • Add nice tool for visual
    • Each element shoulde be toggable
    • Help should gives shortcut
    • Speed of sweep line should be variable
    • Sweep line should be able to stop
    • manual increase for sweep line should be ok
    • Should be able to adjuste resolution of lines (beachLine, cicle) (during ?)
    • should be able to switch between different animation type
  • Add nice visual
    • Sweepline
    • Beachline
    • Site event
    • Circle Event (differentiate the valid one from the others) (and keep memory of those events)
    • Circle from circle event (dashed)
    • Next Event should be highlighted
    • Finite vertex
    • Vertex in construction
    • semi-finite vertex
    • Bound everything to a box
    • Vertex of the He
    • Finish animation when all bpx are outside the box (add flag ?)
  • Clean the data
    • verify if when add points
  • Flags
    • Add a flag to save the animations
    • Flag for listing the help


  • Add -O3 to make
    • Benchmark this
    • Test othe flags and benchmark them -> No need
  • Add a realtime ploting execution time / data-size
    • Should be able to plot with different color different option and choose which one to plot. (Data should be the same).
  • Add tool to save anim to gif/save pictures
  • Should be able to go back in time during animation
  • Should be able to add point (and auto update)
  • Process images


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..