
Primary LanguagePython



A simple discord bot that accepts a command of !dice and any combination of throw amounts and dice types For example:

  • !dice 4D12 >>> This will roll a 12 sided die 2 times and sum the results
  • !dice 2D14:4D17 >>> This will roll a 14 sided die 2 times and a 17 sided die 4 times and sum the results
  • !dice 2D14:4D17:+4 >>> This will roll a 14 sided die 2 times and a 17 sided die 4 times and sum the results, then + 4 to the summed result, you can use the "+, -, *, /" operators

My Remote Image


  • You will need to create a '.env' file in the root folder and add a variable called DISCORD_TOKEN = 'your bot token goes here'

Required Modules:

  • pip install -U discord.py
  • pip install python-dotenv