High Street Art Gallery

Project is live (here)[https://web-production-4575.up.railway.app/]

A project that I made as practice that was similar to one of the companies own websites.

HTML, TailwindCSS, EJS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Cloudinary (cloud storage)


There are a few things that can be optimized. Here are a few I know.

  • Speed. Right now, the EJS is good but when files get larger and with low internet speed, it slows down
  • Comments. I have some files set aside to add comments, I just haven't added them here with CSS
  • Design. It's okay for now, but I'd like to sit down and look through to see how to make it better.

What Did I Learn?

A lot. I'm glad I did this to expose myself to what I could be doing for that company.

  • multer picture uploads
  • cloudinary cloud storage and database
  • MVC (Model View Controller)