Hikr is supported by a MongoDB, express, and Node.js backend.
We use Mongoose to access MongoDB through Express. Our main data format is that of a hike, or a document detailing the characteristics of an individual hike. We have two identifiers of significance in each document. The first is a unique key generated by Mongo, and the second is a state abbreviation generated by user input. Using these two keys, we can return hikes by regional cluster, a useful feature in allowing any user to view interesting hikes in their area.
The approach taken for creating Hikr was to seed the database with useful, informative data for the user to read,manipulate and add to. The data takes different well-known hikes from each State in the USA and renders a few important properties. These important properties include: ID, State, Name, Description, Difficulty, and image.
Hikr allows its users several different features, First the user can see all hikes in the Database categorized by region. There are 6 regions for the user to choose from: Northeast, Southatlantic, Midwest, South central, Mountain west, Pacific Coast. Additionally the user is able to edit and add hikes for other hikers to enjoy. In future developments these different features will only be allowed for users have created an account and are logged in.
The backend for the user model and component is completely built out as well and the middleware for the authentication which allows each user to edit/add/delete hikes.