
Extruder Change happens in wrong place

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The Extruder change (left==>right or right==>left) always happens in the place where one layer is finished. this leads to material dripping out of the extruder onto the model. LUBAN does the change over the prime tower - the Cura settings should do the same.

Meanwhile I tried a suggestion from the Facebook group.

G0 X{prime_tower_position_x} Y{prime_tower_position_y}

==> this code added to the EXTRUDER END CODE in the machine settings causes the head to move over the prime tower before changing extruders. Works for me.

Under "Dual Extrusion", you can check "Enable Prime Tower" by hand.

We didn't enable to dual extrusion is to avoid waste of material when you are using only one extruder to work.