
CLI based tool for monitoring and exploring MQTT brokers, inspired by the original MQTT Explorer

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

MQTT Explorer - CLI based MQTT client displayed in an easy to navigate tree

Build Release

The project is currently in early development, bugs and weirdness to be expected.

A CLI for exploring and interacting with MQTT topics, inspired by the original MQTT-Explorer, but brought directly into your command line. This tool enables you to navigate and view your MQTT broker's topic structure in a intuitive, tree-like format, and provides functionality to view the latest payload data and publish arbitrary messages to existing topics.



  • Visualize your entire broker's topic structure in an interactive, navigable tree.
  • View the latest and historical payloads for any given topic.
  • Publish arbitrary messages to existing topics.
  • Copy payloads to clipboard for easy sharing.
  • Fullscreen mode for larger payloads.


  • Publish to arbitrary topics with customizable QoS and Retained message configurations.
  • Implement search functionality and filtering capabilities for the topic structure.
  • Syntax highlighting for payloads to improve readability.
  • Profile support to automatically connect to saved brokers


MQTT-Explorer can be installed using go install or downloading the latest binary from Releases.

go install github.com/snappey/mqtt-explorer@latest


Ensure that the binary exists within your PATH, this is handled for you if go install is used.

mqtt-explorer [flags]

  -h, --help              help for mqtt-explorer
      --hostname string   hostname of the broker (default "test.mosquitto.org")
      --port int          port the broker is running on, typically tcp: 1883, ssl: 8883, ws: 8083 or wss: 8084 (default 1883)
      --scheme string     protocol to use tcp, ssl, ws or wss (default "tcp")
      --topic string      topic to subscribe to on the broker (default "#")


Q, Ctrl+C                     - Close the application
Arrow Keys                    - Move around the Tree / Select Payloads
Shift Up/Down Arrow Keys      - Skip 5
Shift Ctrl Up/Down Arrow Keys - Skip 25
HOME                          - Skip to Start
END                           - Skip to End
TAB                           - Cycle focus between each Panel
C                             - Copy the selected payload to clipboard
V                             - Paste the selected payload into publish message textarea
F                             - Toggle fullscreen mode (only available when selecting a payload)