Ansible Role: uberspace-mail-forward

This is part of the uberspace roles collection.

This is meant to be used on your Uberspace.

Please be aware, that I'm neither part of the Uberspace team, nor am I associated to them other than having some Uberspaces myself. This project was created, because I wanted to use the roles for myself and thought they were okay-ish enough to share them.

What is this (from the uberspace manual)

You can use forwardings in the form of $MAILBOX@$ If you have set up additional domains, $MAILBOX@$DOMAIN will also work.

You can find the documentation of the replaced tool uberspace mail user forward in the Uberspace Manual here.


Each mailbox can only forward to one address. Setting the forward again, overwrites the existing one!


Variable Choices/Default Description
user The mailbox user to use as catchall
address The mail address to forward to
  • present
  • absent
"present" to enable the catchall, "absent" to disable it. Absent requires user to be set, present requries user and address.
forwards [] A list of user, address, state combinations to set multiple forwards at once


Enable Farward

- hosts: uberspace
    - name: uberspace-mail-forward
      user: forwardme
      address: mail@allcolorsarebeautiful.example

Disable Forward

- hosts: uberspace
    - name: uberspace-mail-forward
      user: dontforwardme
      state: absent

Set multiple forwards

- hosts: uberspace
      - name: uberspace-mail-forward
        user: forwardme
        address: mail@allcolorsarebeautiful.example
      - name: uberspace-mail-forward
        user: dontforwardme
        state: absent