
💻 CLI to view Discord commands and sync commands with slash-create

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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CLI to view Discord commands and sync commands with slash-create.

slash-up <command>

  slash-up list                    View the list of commands on Discord
  slash-up view [command]          View a command on Discord
  slash-up local                   View the list of local commands
  slash-up sync                    Sync local commands to Discord
  slash-up init [template] [dest]  Clone a slash-create template into a new directory
  slash-up config [dir]            Create a config file in the specified directory

Other Options
  -h, --help     Show usage information & exit                                             [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number & exit                                                [boolean]


Config files are taken from slash-up.config.js file or the file set from --config flag. You can create a config template file from npx slash-up config.

Property Type Description
token string The token of the Discord bot
applicationId string The application ID of the Discord bot
commandPath string The path to the local commands directory
globalToGuild string? The guild ID to set all global commands to when syncing, best for development environments
beforeSync 'block'/'confirm'? What to do before syncing, 'confirm' prompts you before syncing
env object? An object with keys as environment names and values as configs. You can use --env (-e) to use an environment's config

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