Personal telegram bot

Small telegram bot to help me make some operations during a day, such as:

  • Creating notes
  • Publishing them to personal wiki
  • Maintaining networking via contacts list and notifications
  • Run multiple timers
  • Calculate everything possible with JS
  • Monitor what you are doing and for what time

All major config is included in .env and src/config.ts. FTP upload always uses basedir. You can make separate user with correct base folder for uploading to the right folder.


Serve it as a regular Node.JS app: npm start.

Don't forget to rename .env example to .env and fill required variables. You can ignore ftp-related things if you won't use Publishing mechanisms.


Default behaviour for the bot upon receiving message is to save it a note (optionally, create a file with current date and time). Other commands are:

  • /id - show chat id of current chat. Use that to configure allowed chatid's in .env file.

  • /ping - check whether bot is online

  • /path - show current filepath

  • /reset - reset current filepath

  • /space - insert big separator (horizontal line)

  • /files - list list of files by folders

  • /file [name] - set current filename (open or create a file)

  • /log or /read - read current file

  • /logs - read current file splitted by separators.

  • /get [name] - read another file

  • /logs [name] - read another file splitted by separators.

  • /delete - delete current file

  • /delete [name] - delete another file

File slots allow use to remember last used files with short numbers and switch between them with one short command. For example, you can use slot #1 for todays notes - reseting it once a day and slot #2 for English vocabulary, which you will use for a long time.

  • /slot [num] - use file slot with number

  • /slots - log all recorded slots

  • /slot reset - reset file in current slot

  • /slot reset [num] - reset numbered slot

  • /slots reset - reset all slots

  • /publish - send file to remote FTP server

  • /load - download file from remote FTP server

  • /timer start - start timer

  • /timer stop - stop latest timer

  • /timer clear - stop all timers

  • /eval [code] - eval arbitrary JS code. Can be used as a simple calculator

  • /networking add [name] - add contact to your networking list

  • /networking remove [name] - disable contact from futher suggestions for networking

  • /networking done [name] - mark interaction with [name] as done for the statistics. If used without name - uses last person suggested for interaction.

  • /networking list - list all your contacts. List is sorted by total numbers this person has been suggested

  • /networking force - run networking script right now

  • /learning start [] - start learning/doing smth

  • /learning stop or /learning end - stop learning/doing

  • /learning now - what is recorded now

  • /learning stats - statistics over what've you done in hours

  • /learning list - all notifications for you to do smth based on day&hour. Can be edited only directly in leaning.json file