
Unreal Engine 4 test project for Cubiquity

Primary LanguageC++


Unreal Engine 4 test project for Cubiquity

Cubiquity is in pre-alpha development

Getting started

If you havn't used Cubiquity for UE4 before there are a two steps you have to do, before use.

  1. You have to edit two or three files depending on what volumes you are going to use. All files we are going to edit is under Cubiquity plugin folder.

    • Change 'ThirdPartyPath' property in Cubiquity.Build.cs to where 'Cubiquity-2015-06-14' folder is located. This can also be found in this repository, here.

       private string ThirdPartyPath
           get { return Path.GetFullPath(@"[Cubiquity-UE4-Test]\Plugins\Cubiquity-Dependencies\Cubiquity-2015-06-14"); } // TODO: Edit this line to match where Cubiquity is installed
    • Change 'volumeFileName' field which is located in CubiquityColoredCubesVolume and CubiquityTerrainVolume constructors. They should target where the vdb files are so it will load a volume.

       ACubiquityColoredCubesVolume::ACubiquityColoredCubesVolume(const FObjectInitializer& PCIP)
       	: Super(PCIP)
       	volumeFileName = "[Cubiquity-UE4-Test]\Plugins\Cubiquity-Dependencies\example-vdb\VoxeliensTerrain.vdb";
       ACubiquityTerrainVolume::ACubiquityTerrainVolume(const FObjectInitializer& PCIP)
       	: Super(PCIP)
       	volumeFileName = TEXT("[Cubiquity-UE4-Test]\Plugins\Cubiquity-Dependencies\example-vdb\SmoothVoxeliensTerrain.vdb");
  2. The last thing that you have to do is download CubiquityColoredCubesVertexFactory.usf and save it to 'UnrealEngine/Engine/Shaders' in UnrealEngine's main folder. For example "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.8\Engine\Shaders".