
Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


polylith-viz is a tool that you can drop into your polylith application to provide

  • Component dependency visualisation
  • Interface exploration
  • Interface full text search

You can find out more about here



1.Add the polylith-viz dependecy to your development deps.edn and start your repl

     {:git/url   "https://github.com/SneakyPeet/polylith-viz"
      :sha       "INSERT_LATEST_SHA_HERE"
      :deps/root "projects/polylith-viz"}}}}
  1. Ensure poly tool is installed

polylith-viz will automatically regenerate the workspace.edn file on every request. This can be turned off with options.

Dev server

Run the poly-viz server from your repl. Any changes to your polylith system will reflect on page refresh

Start the polylith server


You can pass in various options when starting the server (see available options)

 :ws-path "/path/to/workspace.edn"
 :port 3000)

Static Site

You can use poly-viz.server.static/html to generate a static page. You can setup your CI to build and deploy this anywhere you like for easy reference.

Writing the code that saves the html to a file is left to you, but here is an example

(defn build-pages
  "assumes you have already ran `poly ws out:polyws.edn`"
  (let [f (io/file "public/index.html")]
    (io/make-parents f)
    (spit f (static/html :include-dev-projects? true
                         :rebuild-ws-file-before-generate? false))))

Dependency network

polylith-viz uses visjs.org's network library to generate a dependency network diagram for projects, bases and components.

The network layout and style can be modified by passing in the different options when starting the server.

 :brick-options {:component {:nodes {:color "#ED553B"}
                             :edges {}}
                 :base {:nodes {:color "#F6D55C"
                                :shape "box"}
                        :edges {}}
                 :project {:nodes {:color "#3CAEA3"
                                   :shape "star"}
                           :edges {}}}

 :vis-options {:layout {:hierarchical {:enabled false}}
               :edges {:arrows nil
                       :smooth true}

               :nodes {:shape "ellipse"
                       :margin {:top 10 :bottom 10 :left 20 :right 20}}})

Interface Search and Explore

polylith-viz makes it easy to explore interfaces as well as allows full text search on interfaces

Available Options

Option Description Default
:ws-path The path to your generated workspace.edn file "polyws.edn"
:output-ws-on-request? Rebuilds the workspace file on every page refresh true
:ws-shell-cmd The poly tool command that rebuilds the workspace file when :output-ws-on-request? is true ["poly" "ws" "out:polyws.edn"]
:port Server port 8087
:browse? Opens the browser on start true
:include-dev-project? Includes the dev project in analysis false
:brick-options visjs.org network options for brick nodes and edges poly-viz.vis-network.interface/default-brick-vis-options
:brick-levels When using the visjs.org network hierarchical layout, a bricks level is determined by this starting-level + number of other bricks depending on it. poly-viz.vis-network.interface/brick-hierarchical-layout-starting-levels
:vis-options visjs.org network options poly-viz.vis-network.interface/default-vis-options
:version Displays the provided string in the menu ""
:extra-pages A vector of maps representing any extra pages you want to add. Useful if you want to use polylith-viz as the base project, but add some custom documentation. Maps have the form {:name "" :component [:div]}. :component is a hiccup structure. Bulma is used as css framework []