Read your bible web app



remember -add project-id


npx firebase deploy --only firestore:rules

npx firebase deploy --only hosting --project bible-reading-plan

npx shadow-cljs release web && cd firebase && npx firebase deploy --only hosting --project bible-reading-plan && cd ..

npx shadow-cljs release functions && cd firebase && firebase deploy --only functions && cd ..

Shaddow CLJS

compile a build once and exit

$ npx shadow-cljs compile web

compile and watch

$ npx shadow-cljs watch web

$ npx shadow-cljs watch functions

connect to REPL for the build (available while watch is running)

$ npx shadow-cljs cljs-repl web

connect to standalone node repl

$ npx shadow-cljs node-repl

Running a release build optimized for production use

$ npx shadow-cljs release web

Release debugging commands.

$ shadow-cljs check web $ shadow-cljs release web --debug