Pet Ascension

Hello, welcome to sneakynarnar's Pet ascension

This coursework achieved a 90% grade at the University of Portsmouth "Application Programming" module

Granted, as mentioned below. It's far from perfect, there are a lot of bugs / things I could have done better.

How to play

Start the script by running npm run setup and then npm start

Coursework thingies

Easy requirements satisfied

  • Pet displayed in app and there are 3 stats, Hunger, Fitness and Cleanliness.
  • User interacts to increase the value of these attributes.
  • Happiness is a stat that is an average of every stat.
  • Pet can die from illness, starvation and sacrifice

Additional features

  • Users can have multiple pets
  • Users can pick the colours of each pet. And this is displayed everywhere
  • Users can earn a currency called NP from having pets. This can be used to buy items or to ascend pets.
  • Users can sacrifice their pets for pet blood, this blood can be used to ascend other pets which allows them to level up faster and earn more NP.
  • Users can increase the pets stats by feeding them with items they brought from the shop.
  • Users have a choice of two games they can play with their pets, the better they do in the game the more the pets happiness increases
  • There is a leaderboard that displays the top pets.
  • Discord OAuth2 for logging in to the site
  • You can speed up NP gain or XP gain, (or any gain really) Since they are all in constants

Ways to test

The following is refering to the file sqlpetinteractions.mjs

  • To get more NP, try increasing the BASE_NP_RATE variable
  • To gain XP faster increase BASE_LEVEL_BOOST
  • To make your pet lose attributes faster alter the DECAY variables

If I had more time...

I drastically overestimated how much I needed to work on this project, there are alot more features I wanted to add or tweak / There are alot of things I would have done differently if I were to do this project again.

Proposed features

  • Pet trading and random attributes that make pets better / worse at things to make it worthwhile to trade
  • Different ascension system that rewards players more for ascending
  • More minigames to increase happiness, one that is more skill than luck.
  • Tutorials / tooltips, since right now its pretty much impossible to realise you are supposed to drag items to the pet in order to feed them
  • Better manouvrebility around the site, during development I would use the forward and back browser buttons, so it slipped my mind to add links back the the pet page etc

Known bugs that I didn't have time to fix

  • On the higher or lower, the game completely breaks if the viewport width gets too small
  • Feeding and Cleaning behave weirdly when the user has no items, including the counter going to -1 when the donut is dragged
  • A lot of pages break if the viewport width is too small, and would be unsuitable for mobile devices.
  • I forgot to put some sort of message when a pet is too tired to play or eat, because I always had that feature off and forgot that I needed to put some sort of recognition why the request was being denied. Realised this 20 mins ago when I turned back up the constants (it is 10 40pm as of writing this);

Coding habits

  • I was going to comment all of my code but I ran out of time
  • Overusing IDs instead of classes in HTML, this stems from my unfamiliarity with HTML and how it traditionally merges with javascript
  • Code that could be more efficient, but I was too lazy to make it faster because it worked and I decided it was good enough
  • Further modularisation might have been easier
  • Messy HTML, especially with alot of repeated code that I could have done something about. With the svgs I wanted to find a way to write SVGs directly into the DOM but I couldnt find anything until I was near the end of my project. So before I just physically added them and hid the svgs I wasnt using

Server routes





Enjoy :)