
Data aggregator for Cyber. Support for Bostrom's Stargate network

Primary LanguageGo


Index for Cyber's networks


  1. blocks and precommits
  2. transactions and messages
  3. validators and their uptime
  4. accounts and their balances
  5. cyberlinks and particles
  6. resources and supply
  7. grid routes
  8. wasm contracts
  9. advanced views for analytics

cyberindex run selected indexers from BDJuno, see schemas and registrar.go


cyberindex start

Example configuration in sample_config.yaml

cp sample_config.yaml ~/.cyberindex/config.yaml

To run in Docker fill .env, then:

make docker

Thanks for supporting Cosmos's ecosystem development:

Analytics views

If you want to add analytics views to you index:

Download genesis account states:

wget -O database/schema/genesis.csv https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmWxvLnFZDJUrjTjNDt4BfanzncdbzTMfSQmkNAACQ8ZaF

Initiate the additional views and tables:

source .env && \
docker exec -ti cyberindex_postgres psql -f /root/schema/views.sql -d $POSTGRES_DB_NAME -U $POSTGRES_USER_NAME

Copy genesis and cyber_gift from csv to table:

docker exec -ti cyberindex_postgres psql -c "\copy genesis FROM /root/schema/genesis.csv with csv HEADER" -d $POSTGRES_DB_NAME -U $POSTGRES_USER_NAME

Add cronjob to refresh tables for stats:

    croncmd="docker exec -t cyberindex_postgres psql -c \"REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY txs_ranked\" -d $POSTGRES_DB_NAME -U $POSTGRES_USER_NAME"
    cronjob="*/5 * * * * $croncmd"
    ( crontab -l | grep -v -F "$croncmd" ; echo "$cronjob" ) | crontab -

Cybergift table with proofs

If you want to add cybergift table with proofs:

Download cybergift with proofs file:

wget -O database/schema/cyber_gift_proofs.csv https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmVvMuFN3EmMdowYuhBnLcZZLtbGDtF4a7fZFiNK627gPZ

Initiate the cyber_gift_proofs table:

docker exec -ti cyberindex_postgres psql -f /root/schema/cyber_gift.sql -d $POSTGRES_DB_NAME -U $POSTGRES_USER_NAME

Go to ./database/schema/ folder.

Open gift_db.py file and fill global variables according to your set up

Install requirenments.txt

pip3 install -r requirenments.txt

Run script:

python3 gift_db.py

Wait util progress is 100%, after you may query gift info frop postgres directrly or over GrpahQL.