This is a simple task management application implemented in Java. It allows users to manage tasks, including adding new tasks, removing tasks, marking tasks as completed, and displaying all tasks.
- Add Task: Users can add a new task to the system. They provide details such as the task title, description, due date, and priority.
- Remove Task: Users can remove a task from the system by specifying its ID.
- Mark Task as Completed: Users can mark a task as completed. This changes the status of the task to "completed."
- Display Tasks: Users can view all tasks currently in the system. This includes details such as the task ID, title, description, due date, priority, and completion status.
Initialization: When the program starts, it initializes a TaskManager object to manage tasks.
Menu Display: The main menu is displayed, presenting users with options to perform various operations on tasks.
User Interaction: Users choose an option from the menu based on what they want to do (add a task, remove a task, mark a task as completed, display tasks, or exit the app).
User Input Validation: The app validates user input to ensure it meets certain criteria (e.g., valid task ID, proper date format) and provides feedback if input is invalid.
We welcome contributions from the community to improve and enhance the app. If you have suggestions, bug reports, or would like to contribute code, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub repository. ##Link to website