It is a user-friendly website designed to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) effortlessly. By inputting your height and weight, the website quickly computes your BMI, providing a simple and convenient way to monitor your health.

Algorithm ⚙️

  • Takes the Height in cm and weight in kg from the user.
  • Divide the height by 100 to convert it from centimeters to meters. Then, square the height to get the value in square meters
  • Divide the weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters to calculate BMI.
  • Use conditional statements to categorize BMI values into different categories (Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese)

Contributing 🔧

Contributions are always welcome! 🙂

Feel free to explore the website's styles and details, and consider incorporating additional features. I welcome your input and creativity; I'm excited to see your ideas come to life on the website!

Run Locally

🎉 Clone the project

  git clone

🎉 Go to your project directory

🎉 Start with your live server

🔗 Links

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