this is the source code for building a realtime chat application in flutter using appwrite.
- Push Notification Cloud Function Template - contains the template i used in cloud functions.
- Sample Push Notification Flutter Firebase - contains the code that i picked for pushing notification on device.
- Appwrite Cloud - use this for backend database
- Appwrite Realtime Docs - use this for reading the documentation for realtime.
- Flutter
- Appwrite Cloud
- Send Text Message in Chats (Create Read Update Delete)
- Send Image Message in Chats (Create Read Delete)
- Update is user online or not
- Update message seen or not
- Modify Profile Picture (Create Read Update Delete)
- Update UI in realtime
- Provider (State Management)
- Shared Preferences
- Lifecycle Handlers
- Push Notifications
- Appwrite Databases
- Appwrite Authentication(Phone Login)
- Appwrite Cloud Functions
- Appwrite Storage Bucket