
A Kanye West themed Google Chrome extension

Primary LanguageJavaScript


###Description ChromeYe is a Google Chrome extension that provides a new tab page with a background image and quote of Kanye West to inspire/entertain you during your browsing session. The image and quote will change every time you open a new tab. The new tab page also includes:

  • A latest news feed of articles related to Kanye
  • A list of shows where Kanye West will be performing at within 200 miles of your location
  • A 'Ye button' that will open a new tab with a randomly generated Kanye West video.

Chrome Store Link

###Technical Details

This extension uses React.js and a Redux framework. It requests data from the following APIs:

I chose to use a Redux framework because of the many API calls being made through XMLHttpRequests. The Redux architecture provides a very organized way of sending API requests and updating the React/HTML components. It also provides a good structure for adding/replacing/editing the different features and widgets

The concert data is retrieved from the SeatGeek API that has a geographic filtering feature that can take a latitude and a longitude and filters for results within a given range (in miles) of that location. The user's location is retrieved through the HTML5 geolocation API. Here is the api call:

export const fetchConcerts = (success) => {

  const apiCall = (geo) => {
    let xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = () => {
      if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
        let data = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.response);
    xmlHttp.open("GET", `https://api.seatgeek.com/2/events?client_id=NTc3Mzg1OXwxNDc0NTA1NTQw&${geo}&per_page=100&format=json&performers.slug=kanye-west`, true);

  let geoString = ``;
  let geoSucess = (position) => {
    let lat = position.coords.latitude;
    let lon = position.coords.longitude;
    geoString = `lat=${lat}&lon=${lon}&range=200mi`;

  let geoError = (error) => {

  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSucess, geoError);

In order reduce the amount of API calls made the extension uses javascript chrome.storage . The concert and news feed data is stored in the users local storage along with a time stamp of when it was stored. This data is updated every hour for the news feed and every day for the concert data by checking the current time when a new tab is open against the timestamp stored with the stored data.

The video player is from Embed.ly and I retrieve the youtube video ids form the Youtube data API. The randomly selected video id is interpolated into the Embed.ly player and when the "Ye Button" is clicked, the video opens in a new tab. The video id data is updated every 72 hours in order to make sure new videos are in the mix.


  • I will soon add a feature where the 'Ye Button' will play a random Kanye West song
  • I may add a Goals widget that will allow the user to keep track and be reminded of their Goals

Open to any suggestions on how to make it better.