
A simple interactive command-line interface that allows the user to navigate directories, list files, open files, and execute other commands.

Primary LanguagePython


FileExplorer is a basic command-line tool that helps you manage files and directories conveniently. It offers easy navigation, file listing, and other useful operations.


FileExplorer is a project developed for educational purposes. It provides a straightforward way to interact with your files and folders.


Explore what FileExplorer can do:

  • open <filename>: Open a specific file using your computer's default program.
  • list: See a clear list of files and folders in the current directory.
  • clear: Clean up the screen for a neat interface.
  • back: Go up one level in the directory structure.
  • help: Get a list of available commands and assistance.
  • mkdir <dirname>: Create a new folder with a custom name.
  • mkfile <filename>: Make a new file with a specific name and extension.
  • rm <path>: Delete a file or folder.
  • move <source> <destination>: Move a file to a different location.
  • rename <oldname> <newname>: Rename a file or folder.
  • copy <source> <destination>: Copy a file or folder.
  • search <filename>: Search for a file in the current directory and its subdirectories.
  • info <filename>: Get information about a file, including size and timestamps.