
Collection of prompts for OpenAI's GPT-3

We have seen many impressive demos of OpenAI, but you never see the input prompt. Much of the work is trying to figure out the right prompt.

Some people say this could become a new programming paradigm. So let's see what the syntax is like.

Feel free to create a PR to add a new example.

Parameter Description )
Prompt Input text
Max_tokens Output token length
Temperature (0 - 1) more deterministic, less random < creative, random
Top_p Diversity via nucleus sampling
Frequency_Penalty repetition
N Best of how many generations
Stream Whether to stream back partial progress
Logprobs - High logprob model is more confident
Stop Where API will stop generating further tokens


This collection focuses on the input prompt.

Figma design plugin

Blog post: https://ibuildmyideas.substack.com/p/i-build-my-ideas-8-071920

Prompt (everything above dashed line)

Figma prompt

Layout Generator


description: a red button that says stop
code: <button style={{color: 'white', backgroundColor: ‘red'}}>Stop</button>

description: a blue box that contains yellow circles with red borders
code: <div style={{backgroundColor: ‘blue', padding: 20}}><div style={{backgroundColor: ‘yellow', border: '5px solid red', borderRadius: '50%', padding: 20, width: 100, height: 100}}>

See Tweet for results.

Simple (Q&A)



Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States?
A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.

Q: Who was president of the United States in 1955?
A: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.

Q: What party did he belong to?
A: He belonged to the Republican Party.

Q: Who was president of the United States before George W. Bush?
A: Bill Clinton was president of the United States before George W. Bush.

Q: Who won the World Series in 1995?
A: The Atlanta Braves won the World Series in 1995.

See Giving GPT-3 a Turing Test for results.

By default, it doesn't know when to say: I don't know. The next example tries to solve this problem.

Yo be real

it's all about the prelude before the conversation. You need to tell it what the AI is and is not capable. It's not trying to be right, it's trying to complete what it thinks the AI would do :)


This is a conversation between a human and a brilliant Al. If a question is "normal" the
Al answers it. If the question is "nonsense" the Al says "yo be real"

Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States?
A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.

Q: How do you sporkle a morgle?
A: yo be real

Q: Who was president of the United States before George W. Bush?
A: Bill Clinton was president of the United States before George W. Bush.

Q: How many rainbows does it take to jump from Hawaii to seventeen?
A: yo be real


Q: How does an umbrella work
A: An umbrella works by using a series of spokes to keep the rain from falling on you.

Q: How many bonks are in a quoit?
A: yo be real

Q: Which colorless green ideas speak furiously
A: yo be real

Tweet Generator



key: markets
tweet = "Take feedback from nature and markets, not from people"

key: children
tweet = "Maybe we die so we can come back as children.”

tweet = "Startups shouldn’t worry about how to put out fires, they should worry about how to start them."

key: <new-word>
tweet =

To try out, go to https://thoughts.sushant-kumar.com/NEW_WORD

4. Emoji storytelling


Back to Future: 👨👴🚗🕒
Batman: 🤵🦇
Transformers:  🚗🤖


Star Wars: 🚀🏰🚀
Zootopia: 🦊🐾🐻🦋🐰
Wonder Woman: 👸🏻👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾👸🏿
The Godfather: 👨👩👧🕵🏻👲💥
Star Trek: 🖖🚀
Planet of the Apes: 🐵🦍
Game of Thrones: 👑🐺🏰
Jurassic Park: 👦🦖🦕🦖
Castlevania: 👻👹🕷🔪💉🧛‍♀
The Matrix: 🤖🤐
Iron Man: 🤖🛠️🚁🎩🌲
Death Note: 📖🔪🔫🗡
Frozen: 🌬👧🏻👧🏻🌲
The Hunger Games: 🏹🥊🌽🏆

Writing a pop song


Below is a pop song by Taylor Swift about the boy Wizard Harry Potter.

“Harry Potter”
By Taylor Swift


Harry’s got glasses
He’s got those bright green eyes
Girls are always screaming

‘Cause he’s got that Potter hair

Even when he’s super stressed
He’s still got those supersonic cheekbones
I’m not surprised they made a movie

‘Cause I’d watch him anytime
Oh, yeah, Harry, baby, you’re my favorite character

I’d walk a thousand miles

To get to see you and

Harry, Harry, you’re so fine

My girly parts all tingle

When you smile that smirk

I’d love to be your girl

Hacker News submissions


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