This project is designed to work pretty well exclusively with pgx and postgresql. The module itself will setup connections for testing/development, but everything for actual data access exists in a sub path. This also means that tests are viable, and CCP is likely to break that down the lines, but hey, that's part of the fun.

As go is classless, the system expects that you'll pass in a direct pgxpool connection to it, which should be pre-resolved to the SDE data export in psql. Ideally, nothing else will access this, and it will be a read-only connection. If the env var MEMCACHE_SERVER is set, it will attempt to use memcache as a long-term data store but it is designed to handle data storage in-memory using a centrally accessable KV in memory store in the application itself.

The connections here are read only, and self-detach once they're done running in their various sub functions. The main file is used for testing/example implementations and contains some envvars, documented below. It does expect to have some access to a caching layer, it'll use an in-memory LRU by default.

Small edit to re-push the repo onto public state