
The startup screening repo for all new projects. It ensures uniformality of script properties such as attribution, labelling, handling tags, etc.


The startup screening repo for all new projects. It ensures uniformality of script properties such as attribution, labelling, handling tags, etc..


#Synopsis: Setup and maintain an app to screen candidate projects (demos) to be entered into the storefront using general tagging and markup for testing purposes.

#Title: Staging Block 001

#Attributions: Cloudbursting Stock

#Programs Used : IDLEx for Python (prop), Notepad++ (see below), TreeLine (Hosted @ Sourceforge), MS Excel,

CAD Design: https://sharecad.org/

Outline Builder: https://sourceforge.net/projects/treeline/files/latest/download

Document Designer: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus

Spreadsheets: https://office.live.com/start/Excel.aspx?omkt=en%2DGB

Links to Snip-Uni Projects:






