
Assignment for WAES interview

Primary LanguageJava


WAES Assignment Scalable Web App

Codding task for WAES interview process

Task description

  • Provide 2 http endpoints that accepts JSON base64 encoded binary data on both endpoints
    • /v1/diff/{ID}/left and /v1/diff/{ID}/right
  • The provided data needs to be diff-ed and the results shall be available on a third end point
    • /v1/diff/{ID}
  • The results shall provide the following info in JSON format
    • If equal return that
    • If not of equal size just return that
    • If of same size provide insight in where the diffs are, actual diffs are not needed.
      • So mainly offsets + length in the data

Technical stack

  • Java 11 - Language
  • SpringBoot, SpringJPA
  • H2 - In memory SQL Database
  • JUnit - Testing
  • Mockito - Testing
  • Lombok - Java library to write less code
  • Gradle - Dependency Management
  • Swagger2 - REST API documentation Documentation
  • google-java-format plugin for IDEA - Google Java Formatting style

Running the REST application

  • To immediately run the application: ./gradlew clean bootRun
  • To run only unit tests: ./gradlew clean test
  • To run only integration tests: ./gradlew clean integrationTest
  • To package application run: ./gradlew clean bootJar
  • To open API Docs use this url {host}:{port}/swagger-ui.html, for example http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


Suggestions for improvement

  • Increase the maturity model (Richardson Maturity Model);
  • Implement OAuth 2 with several grant types to secure the endpoints
  • Store Diff results in DB to avoid performing the comparison again.
  • ELK stack to store logs
  • RabbitMQ implementation to perform data comparison asynchronously