
A Leaflet tile layer which caches into PouchDB for offline use

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Allows all Leaflet TileLayers to cache into PouchDB for offline use, in a transparent fashion.


Works with Leaflet 0.7.3 and PouchDB 3.3.1. Consider using Bower for fetching the right dependencies.


The plugin modifies the core L.TileLayer class, so it should be possible to cache any tile layer.

To use, add the option useCache with a value of true when instantiating your layer, like so:

var layer = L.tileLayer('https://whatever/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
	maxZoom: 18,

	useCache: true

Options available are as follows:

  • useCache: set to true in order to enable the cache. This option must be set at initialization time.
  • saveToCache: Whether to save new tiles to the cache or not. Defaults to true.
  • useOnlyCache: Whether to fetch tiles from the network or not. Defaults to false.
  • cacheMaxAge: Time, in milliseconds, for any given tile to be considered 'fresh'. Tiles older than this value will be re-requested from the network. Defaults to 24 hours.

New functions available are as follows:

  • seed: Starts seeding the cache for a given bounding box (a L.LatLngBounds), and between the two given zoom levels.

New events available are as follows:

  • tilecachehit: Fired when a tile has been found in the tile cache. The event includes data as per http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#tile-event
  • tilecachemiss: Like tilecachehit, but is fired when the tile has not been found in the cache.
  • seedstart: Fired when a layer cache has started seeding. The event data includes:
  • bbox: bounding box for the seed operation, as per the L.TileLayer.seed() function call.
  • minZoom and maxZoom: zoom levels the seed operation, as per the L.TileLayer.seed() function call.
  • queueLength: (integer) Total number of tiles to be loaded during the seed operation.
  • seedend: Fired when a layer cache has finished seeding.
  • seedprogress: Fired every time a tile is cached during a seed operation
  • remainingLength: (integer) How many tiles are left in the seed queue. Starts with a value of queueLength and drops down to zero.

Most users will like to check out the test.html file in this repo. It includes examples for two cached tilelayers, a basic cache seed operation, and most of the new events.

Underlying cache structure

This plugin uses an instance of PouchDB, named offline-tiles. PouchDB is a key-value store, so the key is the URL of a tile, and the value is a plain object containing a timestamp and the base64-encoded image.

License and stuff

Under MIT license.

Heavily inspired by https://github.com/tbicr/OfflineMap