
A Python plugin for weechat that helps you control information you don't want showing up in your buffers.

When active, this plugin replaces messages from nicks (on any server, for now) with user-configurable text, so you won't see those messages, but you will see that a message was sent, which may make the flow of conversations more discernible than if you had put the nick on /ignore. For example:

03:14:15     pugnaci0us | x
03:14:42       niceuser | what a terrible thing to say!
03:15:37     pugnaci0us | x

I used to use the curiousignore.pl plugin but wrote this one to replace it when I wanted to make some customizations


In your weechat's plugins.conf, define:

python.infohazard.cloaked_text = "[MESSAGE REDACTED]"
python.infohazard.ignore_nicks = "nick1; nick2"