A call-by-name lambda calculus interpreter in OCaml
Run with ocaml lcalc.ml
For readline support, install rlwrap
or something similar, and run rlwrap ocaml lcalc.ml
For ANSI colors, run ocaml lcalc.ml -ansi
or rlwrap -A ocaml lcalc.ml -ansi
You can run ocaml lcalc.ml -xfac.lc -xcomb.lc -ansi
to start off with a few
common functions. Enter !
to see what functions you have.
The call-by-value evaluator is based on this.
This screenshot above demonstrates:
- the church encoding of 0-4, where 1 is eta-reduced to the identity function,
- the successor, add, and multiply operations, written in functional style,
- the S and K combinators,
- the add function expressed with S and K combinators, demonstrating alpha-conversion to prevent capture of variables.
- Call-by-need, memoization of head/beta normal form calculation of bound
variables in lazy evaluator (e.g.
performs 3 beta reductions when it can be two)lazy_memo
- Cleaner handling of free vars & env in eval logic
- Ability to reference previous expressions with #[number] identifiers